About Heviz - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Heviz recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Heviz, Hungary
Hévíz is a city in Keszthely district, Zala county, Hungary, or a population of 4,823.
The city is located close to Lake Hévíz, while the world's thermal lake, but the largest biologically active natural lake. The temperature is affected by the combination of combat and receiving peak, province of care of 38 meters below the ground. The water is released after a period of 40 ° C, clear in cold winter temperatures below 24 degrees.
The claim properties of the lake have been known for centuries, people live here clearly the end of the stone age. The foundations of the bath culture were laid by the Romans in the second century. The city and the bath can be put into operation significantly in the eighteenth century, related to the Festetics family, which is considering a scientific research on healing.
Heviz | Hévíz is a city in Keszthely district, Zala county, Hungary, or a population of 4,823.
The city is located close to Lake Hévíz, while the world's thermal lake, but the largest biologically active natural lake
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